My sister and I had always planned to open a business together since we were little girls. Our mother has owned her own business for over 30 years and has been such an inspiration. The plan was to take over her business, but we went in a different direction. Being a nurse for 20 years, I wanted to leave the bedside and offer a different option to not only physical, but mental health as well. No better option for that than Halotherapy! A good friend of mine moved here from Florida with her husband and little girl, and they would do salt therapy with her in Florida. She grabbed my attention, and I fell in love with not only the health benefits, but how incredibly beautiful salt caves are. I knew that this was it – I only needed to convince my sister! I was a little bit nervous; I knew she would either love it or think that I had lost my mind. She had no hesitation, and two and a half years ago we put our dream into action. Timing was not on our side as we opened right at the pandemic peak. We opened for 6 weeks and then had to shut our doors. Libertyville is the absolute best town – they have embraced and supported our place, and we are still here!